More related than some bacteria |
This episode: More distantly related bacteria can help each other grow (and produce lots of hydrogen) by temporarily fusing with each other!
Download Episode (12.7 MB, 13.9 minutes)
Show notes:
News item/
Journal Paper
Bacterial close contact |
Note: I said
C. acetobutylicum was used in WWII to make acetone for bombs, but it was actually
World War I, used to make
cordite, a replacement for gunpowder.
Other interesting stories:
Gut microbes can affect brain's defensive barrier in mice
Getting E. coli to produce higher amounts of nice-smelling biofuel compounds
Using fungi to control avocado-damaging pests
Bacterial proteins used to modify human cells' immune signaling (paper)
Worm gut bacteria could help degrade plastic waste
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bacteriofiles@gmail.com. Thanks for listening!