In this show, I report on four exciting stories: bacteria made to clean up pesticides, new findings from microbial fossils, fighting bacteria with bacteria, and cells with synthetic genomes.
(Image credit: Tom Deerinck and Mark Ellisman of the National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research at the University of California at San Diego)
Download Episode (13 MB, 14 minutes)
Download Sections:
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Story 4
Ending Comments
Show notes:
Story 1: News item 1/News item 2/Journal paper
Story 2: News item/Journal Paper
Story 3: News item/Journal Paper
Story 4: News articles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7/Journal Paper/Video
Other interesting stories:
**New method for studying metabolism of microbial communities
**Making bricks out of bacteria and sand
**Op-ed about the potential for life on Earth unrelated to the life we know
**Study about biocathodes for microbial fuel cells
**Yeast used for wine could be good for bioethanol too
**Article about bacteria and clean fuel production
**How adding good bacteria to soil could help wheat grow
**Soil microbes may "breathe" organic matter as well as minerals
**Cheese seems like a good carrier for probiotics for elderly
**Quick-evolving bacteria may be good for digestive health
**Human microbiome project stories: 1 2 3
**Bacteria share genes more with family
**Genes of bacteria that are good for plant growth
**Gut bacteria of tsetse fly could help prevent sleeping sickness
Post questions or comments here or email to bacteriofiles at gmail dot com. Thanks for listening!
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This show features music from Mevio's podsafe Music Alley.